Ministry Coaching


First Nations Gospel Storyers is available to provide ministry leadership coaching to you, drawing from our years of experience in Gospel ministry. We don’t claim to have all the answers. We do believe there is value in wisdom gleaned from experience and networking that can benefit others who are walking a similar journey.

You may need some guidance as you learn to become a proficient Gospel storyer. We can help. You may need help in designing systems that help you lead new believers into fully devoted and mature followers of Jesus. We can help. You may need help in designing a process to turn your church into a launching pad for sending missional believers, pastors, church planters, and missionaries into the harvest. We can help. You may be struggling in ministry leadership just to keep your head above water and need a lifeline. We can help.

Schedule your ministry coaching appointment with us today.

First Nations Gospel Storyers is available to provide ministry leadership coaching to you, drawing from our years of experience in Gospel ministry. We don’t claim to have all the answers. We do believe there is value in wisdom gleaned from experience and networking that can benefit others who are walking a similar journey.

You may need some guidance as you learn to become a proficient Gospel storyer. We can help. You may need help in designing systems that help you lead new believers into fully devoted and mature followers of Jesus. We can help. You may need help in designing a process to turn your church into a launching pad for sending missional believers, pastors, church planters, and missionaries into the harvest. We can help. You may be struggling in ministry leadership just to keep your head above water and need a lifeline. We can help.

Schedule your ministry coaching appointment with us today.

hours required quantity

$50 = 1 50-minute session, $100 = 2 50-minute Sessions, $150 = 3 50- minute Sessions, $175 Dollars= 4 sessions for 175