
The operations of First Nations Gospel Storyers are shaped and guided by the following values:


– Expressing complete reliance on God for the fulfillment of our vision and mission.


– We firmly believe Jesus made the only payment sufficient to satisfy God’s requirements for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Being fully God and fully man, He lived a sinless life, taking the sins of the world upon Himself, and suffering the wrath of God so that mankind could be redeemed. He was crucified on a cross, buried in a tomb, rose from the dead after three days, and lives in Heaven as the only sufficient means to reconciliation with God.

Bible Storying

– We fully embrace Bible Storying as the optimum culturally informed means of communicating the Gospel in First Nations communities for the purpose of revealing God’s plan of redemption for mankind.

First Nations Priority

– We maintain a primary focus on making disciples of Jesus and planting churches first among North American First Nations people and communities. We furthermore prioritize discovering and equipping First Nations followers of Jesus to become skilled Bible storyers in their own communities and to the ends of the earth.


– We make every effort in every aspect of our ministry to operate in a manner that is reproducible by First Nations people in First Nations communities. We do this with the eager hope and expectation that God will raise First Nations disciples of Jesus who will carry the Gospel to Native and non-Native peoples and communities to the ends of the earth, resulting in the multiplication of new disciples of Jesus and new churches around the world.


– We are committed to utilizing methods and systems that are in keeping with cultural norms wherever the Gospel is being proclaimed, so long as they are not contrary to the message of the Gospel and the teachings of God’s Word.

Local Churches

– We are committed to acknowledging local churches 1) as the body of Christ, 2) as the intentional outcome of making disciples, and 3) as the platform from which teams of followers of Jesus are sent to make more followers of Jesus and plant more churches.

Kingdom Partnerships

– We partner with individuals, teams, and entities that acknowledge and honor evangelical beliefs and practices and share in the vision of First Nations Gospel Storyers.